Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sangha?
A Buddhist term in the Sanskrit language (the language texts were written in at the time of the Buddha) which means spiritual community.
What is dharma?
Dharma refers to the Buddha’s teachings. This is the foundation underlying our practice, but all participants are encouraged to try out the teachings for themselves through direct experience.
Do I have to be Buddhist to participate?
No; topics of discussion are universal, though we may use and explain some Buddhist terminology. We have many community members that also practice a different faith or religion.
What is meditation?
Meditation is simply placing the mind on an object of attention. Formal meditation practices promote relaxed concentration and awareness through focusing on the breath or single object, observing the mind, and inclining the mind towards a chosen quality.
How will this help me?
Meditation and mindfulness can be helpful for calming the mind and nerves, getting familiar and friendly with our own minds, and gaining insight about the way things are. Through this ultimate act of self-care, we can refill our internal fuel tanks and lay the groundwork for taking wise action and relating compassionately with the world and those around us.
What defines a person of color?
A person of color is someone who does not identify as white. For those that are of racial identities that include white (ie mixed race), we hope you feel welcome here.
Can white allies attend?
While we appreciate the allyship and desire to learn, gatherings designed as POC-only (ie our monthly Zoom gatherings) are intended to provide POC individuals an environment that enables expression without the need to accommode dominant culture. Through this rare opportunity to be in a dedicated affinity group, our deep aspiration is to provide a safe space for internal and external openness for POC, and in doing so we encourage white allies to also find a separate dedicated white affinity group where they too can share openly without fear of offending POC as they continue to learn and unlearn.
Do I have to have my Zoom camera on?
No. We would love to see you in the beginning, if you choose to introduce yourself, but you are never expected to do anything you do not want to do.
Is there a cost for the classes?
Our monthly Zoom gatherings are donation-based, meaning they are free of charge but we appreciate any donations you are able to offer to support the sangha. Please see event descriptions for cost or suggested donations for other events.